Saturday, August 9, 2008


This has been a great weekend thus far. The week preceding this one was quite stressful, but last night a contingent of MTTPers found a way to relax and let loose. I am just going to give a little bullet point rundown of the highlights
  • Margaritas. Delish.
  • Burgers, corn, potato salad, amazing brownies (they lived up to their hype!) snackies
  • Beautiful house, with a great view.
  • 2 hours of quarters
  • 1 hour of a new game - 'Drug Dealer'. I will teach you if you don't know. This game rocks.
  • Hot tubbing, pool, hot tub, pool, hot tub.
  • Round 2 of potato salad
  • Accidentally waking up Beth at 3:30am...
If any of you MTTPers who were there last night read this- I thank you for a lovely evening. And some pictures will be on my picasa web album shortly, if you are interested in having a more visual run-down.


Anonymous said...

Yah! You sound a lot less stressed. I'm happy for you Jen, I knew you'd do well. I'm glad all the kids are playing nice :)

Anonymous said...

I too am happy for Jenny Jen Jen.