Monday, June 16, 2008

Not so bad

Yesterday I was awash with emotions about being lonely, not having friends, and being a loser in general because I didn't have anything planned to do with my three day vacation. There was a while that I was so anxious that I considered seeing a doc to get back on some anti-anxiety drugs. But, Um... I think I am over it. I am starting to like not having a schedule planned out by necessity (and I HATE that word).

I got an interesting email today from a guy named alexander. Right off the bat, a hint of where he is writing from. Yes, Russia. This is what he said:

Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for applying to work for English First in Russia.

We have read your details with interest and would like to take the process further.

We currently have vacancies in our schools located in Moscow.

Could you please send us your CV and scanned copies of your qualifications?

Could also complete the Teacher Candidate Details form?

Find attached the FAQ document which will hopefully answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to hearing from you.



The double spacing makes me think that it got all scrambled on its journey half way around the world, and those extra spaces got thrown in when it was put back together. Also...what the hell!? They want me? Russia wants me. I don't have a CV written, I don't know what papers I would have detailing my qualifications, but I did fill out the attached Teacher Candidate Details form. The other stuff with give me something to do on Tuesday and Wednesday when 'it all becomes too much for me to handle'. I am sure I will think that exact quote sometime soon.

I got my very expensive hair done today too. I am not sure if anyone will be able to tell that it is 'different'. But I really like it. Pic!
I really have no excuse for the sexpot face. Live with it. Tell me what you think, though.

I have had a few questions about what 'Diva Dash' means. It's a 5K race on July 13th that I will be participating in here in Madison. You, and everyone you know is welcome to attend, but you must cheer for me, and not point and laugh. Those are my requirements. Here's the official info: Diva Dash


Anonymous said...

That's exciting about Russia! Wow!

And the hair is SUPER great. It's hard to tell the details in my pic too, but that doesn't matter because we will be seeing each other SOON!

I like that picture of you though, by the way. Rawr.

Unknown said...

Sweet hair style! Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Jen, you are totally sexy in that pic. I think you are making fun of it, but it is honest to God, HOTT. and I don't know if it's the new hair or just the pic, but you look really skinny too. have you lost weight and not told anyone?

Anonymous said...

yea, you look bad ass for sure. and tan! me likey.

Luke.E said...

Damn, yo. Got somethin' fine goin' on there.

Anonymous said...

First of all, crazy about the letter but congratulations. And secondly, your hair is way cute, everyone is going to have new,cute, chic hair but me :( Whatever, can't wait to see you in a couple of days!

Anonymous said...

Ginger, if by 'everyone having new hair' you mean two people, then you're absolutely right. ;)