Thursday, April 3, 2008

Goin through the big D and don't mean Dallas!

And I don't mean Divorce either. Today, D is for DATE!

That's right, my faithful readers, this girl has a date for Friday night. Dinner, Drinks and Dancing. Today is really a D day isn't it?! I am so excited, but still I am keeping my expectations in check.

Thanks Friends!


Karlie said...

Dear Jennifer Rose,

Please call me this evening with further information and details regarding the person, location and wardrobe for this date.

Thank you,

Karlie Ann

Unknown said...

Hey, good luck and have fun!

Karlie said...

Ok and one more thing. Do you realize that the link posted under the words 'this girl' leads directly to a photo of two sleeping passengers, mouths gaping? The last time I checked that's not you.

Jen said...

Not for me! It goes to a pic of me with a headlamp on. Weird.