Monday, March 10, 2008


So, I had a pretty good weekend. Of course, I had to work on Saturday. I was excited to finally just go home after work and not do anything, just veg out. After getting home and eating, it took about 10 minutes before I was all, 'I'm bored'. So I convinced my friend that she should meet me for a drink before her 9pm date. We got to the Great Dane Pub at 7:15 or so, sat down at the bar and had a beer. I took the time to look around, and ohmygosh.... this place was crawling with good looking guys standing alone or with other guys. It just dawned on me that I might have thought that many of them were gay, but that didn't cross my hormone soaked mind. Anyway, after a few minutes we met this group of 3 guys in their late twenties. I actually remember their names too, which is remarkable. But it doesn't matter. I spent about 10 minutes talking with the most attractive guy, when the word 'wife' bit me in the ear and a wedding ring began glowing in my periphery. DAMN. Move on, buddy. Then a guy came up next to me to get a drink, so I smiled at him and started talking. Now, if you know me at all, this is not how I normally am. I was not myself on Saturday. Well... I was an ideal version of myself. I was on my game! Anyway, The Guy I Talked To's name is Mario. For real. Anyway. He is tall, kinda lanky, cute, dark hair, dark brown eyes, an accountant....Italian heritage, loves good food. He asked for my number too. This is after we left the Great Dane and went to Opis Lounge and he ordered crustini and a shrimp cocktail. The crustini was a good bread (you know my definition of good bread, right?) sliced up with goat cheese and calamata olives on it. DELISH!

Anyway, that's my story about Mario. We will see how this develops, unless it has already reached it's peak. I will keep you in the loop.

1 comment:

Karlie said...

1. Italians are hott.
2. I did not know that his name was Mario, but if he is nice, I will overlook that. Especially if he has good taste in bread.
3. I also did not know that he asked for your number (I don't think) but that is awesome.
4. Either way it works out you deserve a congratulations on putting yourself out there and scoring a number. :)