Monday, July 9, 2007


I am having an excellent run of life right now! On Thursday, there was a message from Dane County Parent Council saying that they wanted me to come in for an interview and to call them back. So I called them on Friday, and scheduled my interview for today (monday). Then I went away for the weekend. I had a great time with my friends, camping, no less. I was fine and calm and happy and it was good. It was also hot as hell, but we won't dwell on that fact.

My interview went pretty well today, I think. I even told my boss about it, and she took it better than I thought she would. Then she called me back like 10 minutes later to say that she just got a call from DCPC, I guess they were checking my references. Good? Hopefully.

If I got this job, it would mean a $3.60 pay increase, plus full benefits, and 40 hours a week (weekends off!!!). I will keep you 'posted'. he he.


Patsy said...

Thinking happy thoughts for you!

Andrea said...

Rock on sista!